Our First Junk Removal Company makes junk removal safe and easy.


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Estates and Garage Cleanouts

Estates and garages are great for storing your belongings and protecting your vehicles. However, they usually lose their functionality due to the accumulation of garbage.

Too much junk and clutter in the garage or estate is a big problem for people. Even when they finally decide to do something about the junk and clutter, they don't know what steps to take to get rid of the junk, or even where to start. If you fall into this tragic category of homeowners, don't worry. We've got the remedy for all your debris and clutter headaches.
Storage Unit Cleanout Services
Estates and Garage Cleanout Services
First Junk Removal Company makes estates and garage cleaning easy
While a clean garage or estate sounds good when it comes to actually cleaning yourself, it can be a very daunting task. Luckily, you don't have to deal with this alone.
We are in the First Junk Removal Company specialists in removing garbage , and we will be happy to help! Whether you need to clean up a couple of large items or a trash, we will clean up your space in no time.
Storage Unit Cleanout Services

How to Clean Up Junk from Your Estate or Garage

Garages can quickly fill up with junk, and when they do, finding what you need can be like finding a needle in a haystack. If so, follow these steps to clean your garage and restore it to working condition:

  • Give yourself enough time. Rushing to clean up will only increase the amount of work that needs to be done. Expect to spend a few days cleaning.

  • Divide your products into categories. Your estate and garage should function like a retail store, with each section having its own merchandise. Move your outdoor gear, sports equipment, garden tools together and create any other categories that make sense. The more thoroughly you complete this step, the easier the rest of the cleaning process will be.

  • Throw away, sell, or donate unnecessary items. Place any leftover items in the discard pile to deal with later. Turn your junk into someone's treasure by selling or gifting it if you can use it. Hire extra help. While you can do it yourself, our technicians at First Junk Removal Company are trained to clean up with ease. This way, you can enjoy a clean without any additional hassle.

  • Determine the ideal layout. Now that you have divided all of your items into separate piles, determine where these pieces will live. Due to the space required to park your vehicle, you may need to install shelves to keep certain items from lifting off the ground.

  • Put everything in its place. Now that you've thought about where it all comes together, it's time to put the puzzle together. Be patient, not always everything works out perfectly the first time. It's important to remember that all of this will benefit you in the future, so take your time to get it right.

  • Call junk mail deletion to throw away unwanted items, or do it yourself. In most cases, the rubbish in estates and garages is too large for utilities. If that's the case, call First Junk Removal Company to responsibly dispose of your garbage.

Items We Do Not Accept:

Items we DO NOT ACCEPT are hazardous materials. This including chemicals, gasoline, oils, paints, solvents, asbestos or asbestos containing materials, full propane tanks or any types of toxic waste.

We are family owned and operated. Licensed, insured and bonded professionals. We promise to get the job done fast, efficient and with transparent price.

How our service works:
1. Schedule your First Junk Removal Company service online or by calling 1-425-999-7179.

2. We will call you 20-30 minutes before your scheduled time to let you know exactly when to expect us.

3. When we arrive, we'll take a look at the items you want to be removed and provide you with an up-front all-inclusive price.

4. We'll remove your items, being sure to only touch the items we're taking away, and sweep up the area. We'll then collect payment once the job is complete.